Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Bike Riding, Measuring and Mud Chicken!

So its the 2nd of July and I have started full throttle with my campaign to start the most fun "educational" summer ever! We started the morning off as per usual:

Me: "what do you guys feel like doing today"?

Them: "Dunno, bike ride, something fun, a field trip"

Me: "Dammit, I really should have planned something"

So I did what any good parent/teacher would do..incorporated their suggestions into an on-the-fly day focused on measurement and plants and of course, the necessary D.P.A.-bike riding.

We grabbed a bottle of water, 2 rulers, post it notes and a pencil and headed out.

For the littlest one, I decided to focus on getting comfortable using a ruler, assigning a numerical value to objects, organizing objects from biggest to smallest and connecting the numbers associated with those objects to the concept of ordering numbers (SK Numeracy Curriculum).

For the bigger one, we focused on measurement in cm versus inches, assigning a measurement to objects, ordering objects based on measured size and graphing the resulting numbers (Grade 1/2 Math Curriculum).

The objects they chose were the bike seat (22cm), leaf of a willow tree (9.5cm), a dandelion (11cm including stem) and a stick (16cm). We discussed living versus non-living things (SK Science and Technology curriculum), dandelion goo and brown sticks versus greeny/brown branches.

We then finished off the day by stopping off at our favorite restaurant (a set of bleachers belonging to a beat-up old baseball diamond) for some mud "chicken" which I paid for by counting by 5's, 10's and 2's...

Tomorrow's lesson? The power of bleach?

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